TRIPAWDS: Home to 25112 Members and 2176 Blogs.

New to this world

Hello! I am rather new to this world and am looking for some advice on anything anyone can give. Things from day to day, how to help her learn to move and be active. What is the best form of exercise? Everything really.

Bella has only been out of surgery a couple of days and I am just allowing her to rest and move on her own time. But being a puppy still she wants to play and she is not sure how.

Thank you!


Bella’s mom 🙂


  1. admin Said:

    on August 27, 2011 at 1:44 pm   Reply

    Welcome! Please be sure to bookmark Jerry’s Required Reading List for lots of links to the best advice from the Tripawds Blogs and Forums. And check out the Gear Blog Fitness Page for exercise tips and videos.

    We look forward to hearing more about Bella. Please share her story here and/or in the discussion forums so members can provide more relative advice.

  2. etgayle Said:

    on August 27, 2011 at 1:47 pm   Reply

    pictures, we need pictures!!! there’s a required reading list on the forums that will help with the first two ‘hell weeks’. every pup is different, but it’s probably best to keep the horseplay to a minimum during this time. do you have a crate or ex-pen for resting time?? remember, when bella rests, you should rest too…it’s just as hard on the humans (from a stressfulness standpoint…) paws crossed for a speedy recovery.

    charon & gayle

  3. Bella Baby Said:

    on August 27, 2011 at 8:24 pm   Reply

    Thank you! I am still making my way around this site, learning all the things open for me to learn 🙂

  4. Dakota Dawg Said:

    on August 29, 2011 at 12:59 am   Reply

    Please give us Bella’s back story so we know all about her! We are very nosy around here. And we celebrate embarrassing moments, like the first pee and poop after surgery. But you’ll find this to be a nice gang always willing to help any way we can.

    Let us know all about Bella so we can give her a proper welcome!


  5. wyattraydawg Said:

    on August 29, 2011 at 3:11 am   Reply

    Hey Bella, what’s up? Tell us what’s going on and we’ll tell you how we might be able to help! how come you’re a Tripawd?

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